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Who is your business celebrity?

If your business was a celebrity, who would it be?

Which celebrity personality would you identify with your business? 

This was a question asked of My Virtual Assistant recently, and after some thought, this is what I came up with...

My Virtual Assistant's main focus is building affordable websites for start-ups and small to medium-sized businesses, so my prospective clients could probably have the following traits:

  • They are possibly nervous - because they haven’t been in business very long

  • Probably casual - because they’re unpretentious and laid back

  • Most likely a go-getter - because they have identified their goals

  • My prospective clients are probably visionaries - because they have an imagination and ideas

  • Most likely educated – because they think about the future of their business

  • They are friendly - which is a must-have in any business

  • Probably talented - because they have identified a product or service they can sell

  • and they are brave – because anything new can be a bit scary

So which business celebrity do you get when you combine nervous, casual, go-getter, visionary, educated, friendly, talented and brave...?
It’s Rowan Atkinson..!

(Of course, please take this Blog post in the light-hearted manner in which it was intended! 😊)


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