Having a go at video!
After receiving some awesome feedback from people who receive My Virtual Assistant's monthly newsletter, I decided to dig out my old, but never used, selfie-stick and have a go at making a video.Response from a video draw I did, to announce the winner of My Virtual Assistant's 10th Birthday competition, was very encouraging! A few people commented as to how much they enjoyed watching that video because they felt it showed the 'real me', and they said they loved how engaging I was. Som...
May 13, 2019My Virtual Assistant celebrates 10 years in business - that's a whole decade!
It's 13 March 2019, which means My Virtual Assistant is celebrating TEN YEARS IN BUSINESS!Thanks also to my amazing clients, business associates, networking team, family and friends for your support over the last 10 years. Onwards and upwards... bring on the next ten!What a fabulous response to My Virtual Assistants' 10th Birthday celebration competition. Thank you so much to everyone who entered the draw.I am now excited to announce the winner, drum roll please...The competition win...
March 13, 2019Why I love doing what I do, so much
The other day I was chatting with an acquaintance and they asked my why I love doing what I do, so much. My initial reaction was to laugh-out-loud and say, ‘for the money, of course!’Back when I worked full time in the ‘real world’ I was on an extremely good income, in a great job with an awesome boss and worked with a fabulous team of people, some of which are still very good friends to this day. My next reaction to the question was, ‘why wouldn’t I love what I do? I...
November 16, 2018Who is your business celebrity?
If your business was a celebrity, who would it be?Which celebrity personality would you identify with your business? This was a question asked of My Virtual Assistant recently, and after some thought, this is what I came up with...My Virtual Assistant's main focus is building affordable websites for start-ups and small to medium-sized businesses, so my prospective clients could probably have the following traits:They are possibly nervous - because they haven’t been in business very longPr...
November 7, 2018Woohoo! It's here and it's live!
My Virtual Assistant is excited and proud to announce the launch of a brand sparkling new website... for My Virtual Assistant!All websites could do with a revamp or a big birthday every now and again, and My Virtual Assistant's own website was no exception. It had been looking rather dated for quite some time and really wasn't a great representation of the kind of work I can do for you. With all the amount of work coming in from clients, meant my own website had to be put on the back ...
August 10, 2018How to gain Facebook likes for your business page
Getting people to 'like' your brand-new Facebook business page isn't as easy as people think and in many cases it can be a rather slow process to grow your followers.Here are a few things you can try...Actually ask your family, friends, networking peers, business associates, clients, and any other contacts you may have to 'like' your business Facebook page. When your page is brand new it's a great time to ‘announce’ it on your personal FB page (include the link to your new page in the post)....
May 31, 2018Another year in business
Thirteen March 2018 marks another year in business for My Virtual Assistant - and that makes it 9 years so far!Crikey, how time flies! Over the years, the promise of friendly customer service has never waivered and neither has the importance of providing my wonderful clients with valuable business support for things like newsletters, brochure/flyer design, editing/ proofreading, and more.Website creation has taken on a life of its own as the years have gone by and become the main focus of M...
March 13, 2018Top 10 rules for success
Simon Sinek is such an inspiration and I recently stumbled across this fabulous video, which I couldn't resist sharing with you."He's an author, speaker, and consultant who writes on leadership and management. He joined the RAND Corporation in 2010 as an adjunct staff member, where he advises on matters of military innovation and planning. He's known for popularising the concepts of 'the golden circle' and, 'Start With Why'."Now, go and pour yourself a cuppa, sit back, and enjoy watching Simon S...
February 23, 2018Getting customer feedback and how to use it
These days customer feedback is oh so important! Compiling all your testimonials in one place on your website makes things easier for your potential clients to read what others think of your services and of you. Use short versions of your client feedback on every page of your website, to showcase the good work you have done. This will give potential clients a clear understanding of what they can expect from you before you even begin working together. Client testimonials can ...
January 29, 2018Have you really looked at your website lately?
As I write, My Virtual Assistant has built over 70 websites and it saddens me when I open up a website which has so obviously been 'home-made' by the business owner or built for them by a friend or family member.A tell-tale sign of a 'home-made' website is often a massive image, with no text and no clickable links to other areas of the website. No obvious links or calls to action on a website Home page are an incredibly missed opportunity.A telltale sign of a 'home-made' website is often a massi...
December 4, 2017Something to celebrate
Over the last 8 years, My Virtual Assistant has written articles for VA training manuals, been interviewed on national television, sponsored various fundraising events, appeared in magazines and newspapers, won an award, launched over 60 websites, rebranded the business, and answered hundreds of questions from potential Virtual Assistants about becoming a VA.At the beginning of my VA journey, I had no experience of working as a Virtual Assistant from a business point of view. Every m...
March 13, 2017What I learned on my holiday
As its already the end of January, you may have been back at work for at least a week or two already and the Christmas/New Year break might feel like it was a while ago, but I thought I'd share a little 'reinforcing' lesson I learned during my holiday.You may already know, my partner and I are keen boaties and as we hadn’t been out on our boat since June we were very excited to leave on Boxing Day.We had pretty much taken everything of the boat for the winter and consequently spent three full ...
January 25, 2017'Free' ways to increase your website's search engine rankings
Even if you pay lots of money to an SEO company, there isn’t a 100% guaranteed method to get your website to rank high on search engines, but there are some things you can do to help increase your rankings.Start off by listing your business with https://www.google.co.nz/business/befound.html Make sure you include basic information about your business and be as detailed as possible in each section. For example, give your complete phone number, address, business description, keywords, hour...
June 17, 2016Ever wondered why you need a website?
Usually, the worst reason for doing something is, ‘because everyone else is doing it.’However, when it comes to trying to sell your product or service, this is not always the case.If you don't have a website you are not promoting your business where your competition is advertising, so you'll find yourself left behind.'Back in the day', when your customers were looking for a product or service, they scoured the phone book in search of a store or company in their area that provided the pr...
June 8, 2016The humble photograph
I was chatting with someone the other day who was expressing their despair at the decline of the photo album.They said, "Looking at photos on a computer screen will never be the same as flipping through an album that you can hold in your hand."I agree. It won't ever be the same.Let's be honest though, how many people (back in the 'old' days) spent time mounting all their photos in an album? And how many shoved them randomly in a shoebox or left them in the same packet they came in fr...
March 21, 2016Another year and still going strong!
This weekend, on Sunday 13 March 2016, My Virtual Assistant celebrates 7 YEARS IN BUSINESS!Massive thanks to my family, friends, colleagues, and fabulous networking team for all your support, and of course, to my AMAZING clients - I couldn't have done it without you!Working with such an incredible variety of different businesses and corporations is hugely rewarding.Almost all of my clients provide me with repeat business and I am lucky that they are all fantastic people to work with.Repeat busin...
March 11, 2016New Zealand All Blacks win 2015 RWC
It's Monday 2 November, the day after New Zealand All Blacks won the 2015 Rugby World Cup, at Twickenham, England - and I'm still buzzing with happiness! It's been a tremendous event, with many of the ‘underdog’ teams producing outstanding results. Everyone fell in love with Japan when they beat South Africa, such a surprising win, resulting in tears from players and spectators from both sides as the game ended.My partner and I are keen boaties and would normally be out on the water on ...
November 2, 2015I didn't kill me and now I am stronger
Back in March, I posted about facilitating my very first Venus networking meeting.Well, today was my last meeting and I have to say, looking back, it was a much more enjoyable experience than I thought it was going to be.Thankfully, I am a pretty organised sort of person, so getting to the venue a little early in order to prepare, sending out meeting emails to each member and follow-up phone calls with the Regional Manager, soon became second nature.I am also pleased to say that none of our grou...
August 19, 2015Special Announcement: Brand new logo for My Virtual Assistant
My Virtual Assistant is excited, delighted and proud to announce the launch of a brand spanking new logo!Same colours, delicious new design! :-)Effective immediately!...
August 6, 2015It's not you, it's me... (a break up letter written to My Virtual Assistant's logo)
Dear old Logo,You have been wonderful to me over the last six and a half years. You were there for me right from the start and I truly appreciate all the loyalty, support and recognition you have given to me over the years.We've had some really great times together, some good laughs, really fun moments and lots of shared memories. But something’s missing. We both know it. Our time together is coming to an end and I know you understand.There are only a couple of days left before we go our separ...
August 4, 2015'Raise It' for Hilz
Gastro-intestinal (GI) cancer is a broad term used to encompass cancers of the digestive system: the oesophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas and bowel. It is collectively the most common form of cancer in New Zealand.Each year nearly 5,000 New Zealanders are diagnosed with a GI cancer; half of these people will die within five years of diagnosis. Yet despite being the most prevalent form of cancer, it is under-represented in funding and awareness.My Virtual Assistant is ver...
May 28, 2015The Cath Vincent Show Season Two Launch Concert
My Virtual Assistant enjoyed a fabulous time at The Cath Vincent Show Season Two Launch Concert, held at The Tuning Fork in Auckland, on Saturday night, 2 May 2015.An awesome night of music and entertainment, plus we got a sneak preview of the upcoming television series.Lots of special guests (My Virtual Assistant was one!) attended the evening and the music line-up showcased some hugely talented, up-and-coming New Zealand singer/songwriters, including Sam RB, Jasper Hawkings, Veronica Grace, an...
May 4, 2015Bull Electrical's First Birthday
Hi MarionThanks so much for joining us at Bull Electrical's 1st-year celebration, and for all the support you've given us right from the start.Kind regardsTony, Christine, and the Bull Electrical teamMy Virtual Assistant built Bull Electrical's website and provides various business support....
May 3, 2015Is your website responsive (smartphone-friendly)?
Earlier this year, Google set a deadline of 21 April, for websites to ensure they are smartphone-friendly (otherwise known as, 'responsive'), and said those that did not meet the requirements risked being bumped down the search rankings.Recently, I read that around 40% of Fortune 500 companies and half of New Zealand’s top 50 company websites are not 'responsive'.For some companies, not appearing on the first page of a Google search could be devastating for their business.On the other hand, th...
April 28, 2015My Virtual Assistant's televison debut
Oh my goodness! My Virtual Assistant was interviewed on The Cath Vincent Show today!Filming for Season 2 of The Cath Vincent Show started on Monday 23 March, with energetic host and award-winning international speaker, Cath Vincent, bringing you an exciting lineup of guests to energise and inspire you. Interview topics include anything and everything that will contribute to your long-term success and boost energy levels, confidence and motivation.Health, wealth, fulfillment, an...
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